19 April 2008

Registration and Current Coursework

I've settled on a language now: I'm going to take Russian next semester. I wanted to learn a new alphabet/writing system but I'd been told that Chinese and Japanese are huge time sinks and I don't want to deal with that on top of clinic et cetera. I sent an e-mail to Professor Little who teaches the engineering Project Management course to ask him how much it will overlap with the Software Development course I took last semester and depending on the answer I'll take either that or Computer Networks.

Last night the entire school decided to party. I'm not entirely sure why, but among other reasons it seems that everyone realized that we're near the end and the mountain of coursework is, in fact, doable. For some value of doable, at least. I've finished one of the movement analyses I have to do and have started researching my big paper, so that's good, but VLSI needs to be documented, so we have a huge task writing that up now as well. My robotics project has been scaled back to the problem of finding textbooks instead of generic objects because two of our team members are in VLSI and couldn't work on the robot much recently. I'd better get back to researching.


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