31 March 2008

New Camera!

As an incentive to take pictures to show you all, the admissions department at Mudd offered to give us bloggers cameras to take pictures of the things we blog about. I just got mine today, so in honor of this fine event I present pictures of my new camera as taken by my old (bulkier) camera.

I would also like to mention that this is the way packages should be. Notice how everything is packed nicely inside with no glaring empty, unused space? Also there's none of that infernal "clamshell" packaging that is impossible to open in a manner that is either safe or neat (I have a scar on my right hand from when I was about 7 years old trying to open one of those).

Finally, I finally broke down and installed the camera software for this camera to check it out. In the past I've always regarded that as junk that is a cheap imitation of decent photo software, but it's actually quite nice to be able to plug the camera into the computer and automatically transfer the images to a destination of my choosing and delete them from the memory card. I was also gratified to learn that by simply plugging the camera into my Ubuntu Linux machine I was presented with nearly the same options without installing any software myself.


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